So as if recently, I found a site called "dither it" that can add visual effect to images that also sorta somtimes compress the images, heres an example
Of corse, while decreesing the size will decrece the filesize, but sometimes the file size will increace for some reason, thats only when using custom color though I think. fun too with lots of options and good at decrecing file size in a stylish way. But the main reson I'm making this is because I kinda thought these looked like old newspaper photos, which brings me to the title of this post, so many people have found ways to re-create the look of old tech that at some point young people (as myself) may feel the same way about this kind of tech when we are around that age, then again maybe not. I don't know I just wanted to make a post real quick and share this cool thing with the five people that look at my site.