- Added music to the index (Thanks Wikkipidia)
- Changed the background on some game pages, will do relinking soon)
- Added some cool css efects to the index (The GateWay)
- MAJOR overhall of Texico Games, Might change it to Texico Clasic
- Changed Black/Index background, Thanks Magicpatterns for leting me steal their code!
- Ditto with the changelog box backrgound
- Ditto but with the blog background
- Changelog is now Inside the index (real)
- New Blog entrie, check blog for more detalies
- Working on remodling the blog for legal reasons
Working on remodiling for new years, snow is staying until spring
Working on the NekoWeb site a bit, adding things and repacing things
origonaly for NeoCities
- Finaly "Finished" the ULTRAKILL Shrine, its sorta done but I will add more eventualy.
- Messing around with the CSS on the changelog, mainly with thw box border size
- Turned the Chrismas trees on, Can you beleve it guys, chrismas, in a week!
- Made some pages have diffrent highlight colors, looks cool!
- Working on finishing up one more shine, should be done by tomorow. Will Hyperlink When ready.
- Added some css on the shrines to make the text more visable.
- If I'm being honest, I have updated so much lately I lost track. I mainly changed stuff on the /Captin page!
- Working on a lot of stuff, ok? I had this sudden boost of insperation and NEED to create.
- Lots of CSS changes, If something breaks PLEASE email me (nerdgame185@gmail.com)
- Made a new "error" page for situatons where hyperlink destinatons are unfisnished.
- Added the Gifts archives tab to the gateway (coming soon?)
- Re-did some buttons on /Captin
- Re-Did some CSS on /Captin
- Reworked some buttons On the texico studios wepages
- Fixed the Texico logo from to
- Changed the Apples And Oranges backround to be chrismass themed
- Removed the quote randomizer in turn of a chrismass counter.
- Made Black pages have chrismas trees
- remade the css of some shrines
- Reworked some boxes on the /Captin page, (hopefully made them better in a sense)
- Changed backround on .black pages (ex: index, changelog, any page with a majorly black backround/)
- Reworked buttons on /Captin home
- Added buttons to Index/TexicoGateway pages
- Made the changelog have a box thingy
- Removed gradent animation on some backrounds, It looked weird on some webpages.
- Added a new game, Geting over it! Good Luck!
- Changed the backround on Index, Changelog, Boss survive game pages, and the 404 page
- Changed the bacroumd on Games, and certan game pages to feture apples and oranges
- Changed the backround on skull pages to now feture a pumpkin as well
- Reworked the games page a bit, fixed it for Spook-O-Ween
- Added a few more games to the games tab in Texico
- Made some pages have spooky pumpkins for Spook-O-Ween
- Made splash text more fancy (addded marquee tags)
- added the random quote list to the 404 page
- Removed one quote from the list
- added a new quote. revolves around the date!
- Changed 404 page a bit.
- Made the shrine stupid thing, will hotlink soon? Its not finished just made the page.
- Finished hotlinking /Captin (only have shines so far, might add more personal elaments later)
- More stupid quotes or something, now there are 37.
- Added changelog
- Worked on the stupid boss survive shrine on my site, will link when done (1.5/2 shrines done)
- Added more splash text, now there are 35 difrent texts on the TexicoGatewayâ„¢ (no promises)